Wednesday, October 3, 2012


In my pursuit of writing, I am often asked "What kind of writing do you want to do?" After much thought(maybe too much thought), I've landed on an answer. I'd like to write picture books. With that in mind, I took to the world wide web, to see if there were any classes being offered on penning the next great picture book. There is not. At least, not anywhere within 12 hours of my house. I did, however, come across Mem Fox's website. Fox is an award-winning, Australian picture-book author. Chances are, if you've been to a baby shower within the last decade, her book Time For Bed has come across your path.

She has a section on her website entitled "So you want to write a picture book..." Why yes Mem, yes I do! As I read through her thoughts, I was inspired and challenged and so grateful that someone has talented and experienced as Fox would have the compassion and thought to share her insights and experiences. It was most helpful and I'm sure I'll read it many times over as I travel further down this path.

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